Monday, January 10, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I would like everyone reading this to spare a thought for all those people in Queensland and Northern Western Australia suffering extreme hardship during this time of torrential rain. News reports do not show the total horror of the situation. Families have not only lost their homes and possessions at this time, but a lot were still recovering from floods earlier last year. If you can, please consider donating a little something to the Flood Relief Appeals currently under way through TV channels and newspapers. The flood victims will need all the help they can get.

Here in Yamanto we are lucky!!! Where we live we are about 50 metres above sea level and far enough inland and away from major rivers to feel quite secure, but with all this rain and tied in with the fact that we live on a hill, landslips are a constant threat. The land cannot take much more of this continual rain. So far this month of January, up to today - 10th January, the sky has dropped 200 ml of rain in my backyard (I have a rain gauge and read it every morning) and we have only had one day without rain. When the rain finally stops I guess it will be like a sauna here. But at least my water tank is full and I am disappointed that I don't have another one as well to store all the water running off the overflow!!!

Keep watching this space as I am processing the stats I promised you. Currently doing TASTE TESTS!!! YUMMO!!! Its a hard and tedious job, but someone has to do it.


  1. haha. i love it! a beer blog!! don't think mum would be too happy though...hehehe...

    i even see that you've put in some rain stats as well! :))


  2. nice going Poppy! Hoping the rain is not bogging you and Mummy down. On the positive side a beer a cigar while watching the rain is quite a nice experience as well.

    Blogging is a good way to share experiences and express yourself and I always certainly felt you have a lot in you that needs to be in writing so it can be shared with others.

  3. love the rain stats love reading about drink/beers....hehheheh.... Good stuff Poppy
