Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Have Learnt

A Green Tree Frog hiding from the rain!!!!

As I told you in a previous blog, I had green tree frogs and cane toads sheltering from the rain under the bar-b-q area. Here is proof!!!!! It may look red but that is only the flash from the camera. It is really a green tree frog, and quite a decent sized one as well. 
I took this pic during all the storms and rain but I have only now worked out how to  add the pics to the blog. I am not real savvy with this new-fangled stuff so please forgive me if I stuff up!!! But look at the pic and let your mind wander to the marvelous sounds of a green tree frog. When they are mating (during rainy weather) they bark like a dog. But when they are stressed or being disturbed (as I have tried to disturb them when they prop themselves outside my bedroom window croaking for a mate) they sound like a cat. Fair dinkum this is true. If you don't believe me Google giant green tree frog!!!!!