Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Dragon Is Alive And Kicking !!!! - CONCLUSION (At Last)

Well ---- at long last!!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel with this "Norse Saga" epic of mine.
The fruit is beginning to come along with a "Ruddy Blush" (for those who know what a "Spoonerism" is, you will understand. For those who don't, remember the tongue twister about the "Pheasant Plucker"? Same principal.).
5 May 2012
 Just starting to really "pink up". The Ruby Dragon Fruit in the background are looking quite healthy too.
10 May 2012
Now it is really looking like a Dragon Fruit and just about ready to pick. It is amazing what a couple of days of sunshine will do to boost the fruit along.
12 May 2012

In all its glory!! I couldn't wait any longer. I saw a couple of fruit bats flying around last night, so I thought it best to pick it instead of leaving it for the bats.
12 May 2012 - Cut and ready to eat.
And I'm pleased I did pick it!!! Just look at that luscious fruit. This is a Pearl Dragon Fruit and is absolutely delicious, although to my liking, not quite as good as the Ruby.
While I was in the garden I thought that a couple of shots of our other fruit wouldn't go astray, so please enjoy and "eat your hearts out"!!!!

Mandarins - Not quite ripe yet

Tangello - also not quite ripe

Tommy Toe tomatoes - still very green
As you can see our fruit is doing quite well. Although there are only a few on each plant, we expect that next year we will have a much better crop.

POSTSCRIPT ---- I wrote some time ago about the Mayan calendar and the expectation that the world would end on 22 December 2012 ------ Well ---- I read in the paper today that scientists and archaeologists have found a cave in South America with Mayan writing on the walls. "Like a blackboard" they described it. They have translated it to something like "Instead of the original 1200 years, these writings give us 6000 years".
So, on that bit of good news, I think that I can honestly say that the end of the world in another 6000 years will not worry any of us at all!!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Dragon Is Alive And Kicking !!!! - CONCLUSION (Not Quite)

The fruit is now getting "fat". It still doesn't really look like the final product, but I can see there is potential there!!! The spent flower is still hanging on. It is still attached by a pretty strong and solid stalk, so instead of trying to remove it, I will just let it run its course. It will drop off when it is ready.
10 April 2012

I can only hope that it will ripen before I go to Tasmania to see my family and mates and attend ANZAC Day services. If it isn't ripe by the time I leave. I am sure that Kay will do the honours and keep taking the pics every 5 days until it is ripe.
15 April 2012
 At this stage it doesn't look much nigger really. But I suppose it is doing its bit to develop properly. It is taking a long time to develop and my patience is getting thin. I suppose that while I'm in Tassie it will explode with nutrients and finish the job to produce its fruit. Just my luck.

Still nothing has happened of note!!! Kay took a photo while I was away and I was really disappointed that the fruit hasn't developed as I had hoped. Maybe its the cooler weather impeding its development.
20 April 2012
 The fruit is starting to "stretch out" a bit. Note the growth behind. That is the red Dragon Fruit on the other side of the C.A.T.B. Maybe we will get some fruit from there next year.
25 April 2012
Definitely beginning to look like the real thing. The "dragon scales" are shrinking a bit and I assume they are feeding the fruit towards the final tasty item. The growth at the back is getting bigger so that plant must also be quite healthy.
30 April 2012
The dead flower spoils this shot, but it is securely anchored to the fruit and I didn't want to force it off. I suppose it will drop off when the time is right. Missed the back growth in this photo. I must remember to make sure its in the next one.

This whole thing is becoming an epic!! Its almost as huge as a Norse Saga!!! I honestly didn't think that it would take this long to mature, but anyhow, I will keep going to the very end when I can pick the fruit.

Keep watching for the (hopefully) final episode in this saga.