Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Latest on the floods

Well ..... we are inundated with water .... to say the least. So far today (from 6.00 am when I checked the rain gauge) we have had over 150 ml of rain.

I would firstly like to thank all our family and friends for contacting us as the news went out that Ipswich was in line for a devastating flood.  This is true!!! But we are the lucky ones. Where we decided to live is more than 50 metres above sea level and we are about 7 km from the nearest water course, so we should be safe. We live on a hill so there is always the very slim chance that there could be a land slip, but that is hardly possible as the hill is a great mound of ROCK!!!! I have proved this by the amount of rock I have dug out when I was making the garden beds.

The only regret I have is that I didn't manage to dig the spuds and I reckon that they are rotting under all that water at the bottom of the garden. But I can't really complain as there are thousands of people much worse off than us. We are waiting for the peak to come and go and when the authorities call for volunteers to help in the Ipswich area, we will be among the first to come forward.

We already have offered some students accommodation in our home if it is needed as Kay has seen photos on Facebook taken this afternoon showing the water already lapping at the base of the house. We both hope and pray that they will be OK and if they do decide to leave, we will welcome them to stay with us for as long as needed.

One joy that I have every night (if you can call it a joy) is the visitors we have in our under cover bar-b-q area. Several green tree frogs and a couple of cane toads sheltering from the rain ... believe it or not!!!!!!

So that's about it for now. Please spare a thought for the people of South East Queensland especially those who have lost loved ones in this flood. There are 10 confirmed deaths and 78 unaccounted for with dire concerns for at least 18 or them. I also urge that if you can, please give whatever you can to th flood appeals sponsored by the TV channels and newspapers. The poor flood victims need everything we can help them with.

1 comment:

  1. good to hear all is well at the moment.
    called mum up just a moment ago and she's already doing the laundry because the washing is piling up and somebody has to do it. :)

    keep us posted and i will bug mummy with calls constantly. :)

