Friday, February 4, 2011

What is Happening Now!!!

Nothing much!!!!
This morning I developed a new extension. Not for the house, but an extension for the passionfruit which is growing out of all proportion. Just check out the pics!!!!!  I was in two minds whether to do it or not as the temperature here was 30.5 at 0745 this morning!!! But, being the intrepid gardener and photographer that I am, I decided that a floppy hat and thick T-shirt would keep the damaging sun off me, which it did, but it didn't stop the sweat!!! Absolutely soaked by the time I finished it, which took about 3/4 of an hour. But now the passionfruit will be happy little chappies for a while and I noticed while I was making this that there is one fruit already forming. Lo!! and Behold!! ...the fruits of one's labour!!!!


  1. must be A very hot day Poppy since it get up that high so early.....

  2. Has been very hot for a couple of weeks but at last we got some rain - 35ml in 2 hours - and the temp is more comfortable.

  3. Fruit is now large and green!!!! Maybe in a couple of weeks it will be ripe enough to eat.
