Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fearless Freddo

We had a visit over 2 nights by a fearless, but maybe a bit adventurous and simple minded, green tree frog. I first noticed him (or her) clinging precariously to the wall by the garage door. Freddo, or Frederica, looked a bit unsure of his fate. He seemed a bit loathe to move very much as I assumed that his grip on the rough finish on the wall was causing him a bit of consternation, to say the least. But just have a look at him barely hanging on the wall with his toes stretched to max to get the best grip.
I had my smoke then went back inside. When I came out again he was gone, But then I noticed him clinging a bit more securely on my plaque wall. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera with me, so I missed that photo op. He sort of looked around as if to say "Well, what a pickle I'm in now. How do I get down from here?" Then he just fell onto the top of the fridge and from there straight down to the floor and I lost sight of him then, so I suppose he may have sat for a while gathering himself after his misadventure before heading home.

A couple of days before this one, I was again going out for a smoke (I know!!! I should give them up!!!) and there was a much bigger specimen just sitting on the floor outside the door maybe looking at his own reflection in the glass. Could have a Narcissus complex?? Anyhow, as I said, he was a much bigger specimen. I reckoned he would have filled my whole hand if I picked him up, but I just left him there in peace and kept an eye on him. He slowly turned and then took one almighty big leap towards the air con unit. He must have got excited or something or just misjudged his leap, because the was a quite loud "BANG" as his head hit the unit. He just seemed to shake his head then flattened himself and crawled under the unit. He emerged a short time later and, to me, seemed a bit smug. Maybe he caught his dinner there?? But he just hopped away, although a bit unsteady at times, and disappeared into the night.

The night after our "Wall Freddo" did his bit he returned for another exploration of the walls. I didn't notice him at first as he was hanging above the door. He just caught my eye as he moved and only just made it to the thermometer hanging on the wall. (I did rush in and get the camera this time).
You can see he's at full stretch with only his hind legs fully secure on smooth surfaces. He hung there for a while, then maybe thought that he had better get a move on. There was a "splat" as he came down onto the tiled doorstep, then he slowly jumped towards the air con unit. (This seems to be a popular spot for frogs!!)
You may be able to just see him, but the tiled doorstep where he landed is visible. He just sat for a while, then ambled off to the lawn and eventually jumped off into the night through the herb garden. The last I saw of him was when he headed to the fence at the corner of the house, then he disappeared towards the neighbour's house.
So, there you have it. "Fearless Freddo" or "Adventurous Frederica", whichever it was, gave me a chance to forget the cares and woes of the world for a short time and added a bit of "photo op" to my usually mundane smokes time.
I hope he or she comes back again so I can get some more pics of this "Indiana Jones" type green tree frog.
p.s. I think that maybe Kay and my expertise with the "Mao Tse Tung" might be bringing the frog in for an easy meal of dead flies and there are also a lot of moths and other insects on the walls, so maybe that also would explain the presence of Freddo. Whatever it is that is bringing him back, I hope he keeps doing it.


  1. all he/she needs now is a hat! :)

    1. I would love to give him/her a hat but I couldn't find one to fit!!!

  2. hehehhehe a hat would really be cute....

  3. Hat is made just waiting for Freddo to return hahahaha
