Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mao Tse Tung Time

Last time I wrote it was barbie time. Now its Mao Tse Tung time. More on that later.
Kay was cooking a lovely meat dish for lunch today and I happened to go out for a smoke. It was about 30 C or 83 F outside at lunch time. I was shocked to see about 37, 853 flies (give or take a couple) buzzing around the fly wire of the kitchen window. I don't usually waste fly spray on the odd fly or two, but rather use my trusty $1 fly swat. But today I had to spray or I would have ended up with a very bad case of RSI using the swat.
There was every kind of fly you could imagine - the small pests of house flies, green marsh flies (which give a nasty bite) and big, noisy, black blow flies and everything in between. I don't know where they came from, but I was satisfied when I saw most of them writhing in death throes on the concrete.
Now, for the reference to Mao Tse Tung!!
During his rule in China he published an edict that EVERY person was to kill and collect 20 flies every day!!! They then had to take them to the village counting area where they were counted and the persons name "ticked off" on the register. If they didn't make the quota, they were penalised in some way such as reduction in their rice ration (or so I have been told). In rice growing areas they had to kill 2 swallows every day as they were destroying the rice crops.
I believe that it was a very successful project and the fly population was drastically reduced. Its a shame that it didn't continue and that more populated areas didn't begin something similar but without penalties, maybe even a small reward??? And ........... Why did Noah allow them on the ark in the first place, and where did he keep them????? Food for thought!!!!
As far as my Mao Tse Tung actions - I try to get 20 flies with my trusty swat each day before breakfast and so far I have been mostly successful.
It may seem trifling, but I do enjoy the short respite without flies buzzing around me while I have my cup of tea. When they come back I start again!!!


  1. Noah should have left those damn pests, along with mosquitoes, off the boat.

  2. hehehheh.... They should have a Mao Tse Tung edict everywhere and pay money instead. Probably would wipe out the whole fly population. :)

  3. I'd be in that Shaif. I could do with a bit more beer money (or a lot!!)
