Monday, June 6, 2011


Here we are almost through the first week of winter and the temperature is still a very mild 20 to 24 during the day with beautiful clear, cloudless skies. But the mornings are a bit chilly at around 5 to 8 degrees when I go to get the paper. I bet my old mate Buffalo in Canada wishes he was here!!!!!
The temperature today was 7 to 26!!! And while I was watching the news at 1800, it was still 21, so no cardigan tonight. Beautiful and mild and almost balmy. You can almost hear the vegetables in the garden growing. Although I only have a few in this time of year, I think that they are thankful for the weather. The onions and garlic especially are thriving.

We have had a lot of trouble with the trees over the back fence. I bought an extension lopper to bring down the limbs really hanging over on our side. The property I think is rented so they don't do much about them ---- until today. More shortly.
The trees hanging over the back fence have cut out the early morning sun, so our plants have suffered. The lopper I used to cut off some of the offending branches helped, but I just couldn't get high enough to really do any good.
I had a problem the other week when Kay was still in Melbourne. I got a bit over zealous and tried to cut a branch that was too high and too big. Consequently, the lopper got stuck in the branch and I had the devil's own time trying to get it unstuck. After about an hour of pulling and pushing, and trying to saw the branch off, I lost my temper (unusual for me????) and got the ladder and before I even reached up to get hold of the lopper, it came away and fell to the ground. Was I pissed off??? You betcha!!!! But at least I had the tool again and I eventually cut that offending branch off at a thinner spot. Job done!!!
Today the joy of all joys. Sir Lop A Lot (actual working name of the crew) and his crew turned up at the back neighbour's place and began with chain saws to cut the trees. We asked them if they were to cut them down, but disappointingly, they were only trimming them. But they did a fair job and at least we can now get a little morning sun onto our plants by the fence.

As you can see by the pics, they didn't cut as high as we would have liked, but at least there is a glimmer of hope that the sun will shine through. Maybe later on, they may come back and we may have a clearance of the back fence!!!!!


  1. Until I read this I assumed the seasons world-wide changed on the 21st of the appropriate month. Never too old to learn.

    Looks too green to be winter, my friend. Where do I go to register a complaint?

  2. Buffalo - I have added a blog and tried to explain the changes of the seasons here in Australia. Weird I know, but that is just the way it is here.Bureaucracy!!!!!
