Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Dragon Is Alive And Kicking !!!! - CONCLUSION (At Last)

Well ---- at long last!!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel with this "Norse Saga" epic of mine.
The fruit is beginning to come along with a "Ruddy Blush" (for those who know what a "Spoonerism" is, you will understand. For those who don't, remember the tongue twister about the "Pheasant Plucker"? Same principal.).
5 May 2012
 Just starting to really "pink up". The Ruby Dragon Fruit in the background are looking quite healthy too.
10 May 2012
Now it is really looking like a Dragon Fruit and just about ready to pick. It is amazing what a couple of days of sunshine will do to boost the fruit along.
12 May 2012

In all its glory!! I couldn't wait any longer. I saw a couple of fruit bats flying around last night, so I thought it best to pick it instead of leaving it for the bats.
12 May 2012 - Cut and ready to eat.
And I'm pleased I did pick it!!! Just look at that luscious fruit. This is a Pearl Dragon Fruit and is absolutely delicious, although to my liking, not quite as good as the Ruby.
While I was in the garden I thought that a couple of shots of our other fruit wouldn't go astray, so please enjoy and "eat your hearts out"!!!!

Mandarins - Not quite ripe yet

Tangello - also not quite ripe

Tommy Toe tomatoes - still very green
As you can see our fruit is doing quite well. Although there are only a few on each plant, we expect that next year we will have a much better crop.

POSTSCRIPT ---- I wrote some time ago about the Mayan calendar and the expectation that the world would end on 22 December 2012 ------ Well ---- I read in the paper today that scientists and archaeologists have found a cave in South America with Mayan writing on the walls. "Like a blackboard" they described it. They have translated it to something like "Instead of the original 1200 years, these writings give us 6000 years".
So, on that bit of good news, I think that I can honestly say that the end of the world in another 6000 years will not worry any of us at all!!!!


  1. Finally look lovely Poppy :)....

    1. The fruit was lovely mate. Mummy and I shared it and it tasted a whole lot better than a bought one!!!!
